We often think of colors as singular, without considering the many shades they come in. White is one color that is commonly believed to only have one shade, and that’s just not true. Understanding the undertone is necessary when you’re trying to select the right shade of white for your room. You also want to think of the mood you are trying to create in the space. Let’s discuss the significance of picking the right white paint color.
A paint’s undertone affects the hue of the paint and gives off either a warm or cool physical appearance. While pure white has little to no undertone, off-white and grayscale whites tend to have more undertone. Some undertones are warm like creams and neutrals, while others are cooler and have a gray or blue undertone. Paint colors also appear different based on the lighting in the room and the colors around them. White is reflective and will pick up the surrounding colors, projecting a slight overtone. Depending on what you want the room to achieve, warm whites tend to be cozier and cool whites tend to be brighter. However, both whites will increase the feeling of space, making the room feel bigger.
Warm whites work in both natural and artificial light and in rooms with either north or south-facing windows. On the other hand, cool white looks good in rooms with south-facing windows, where there’s warm light most of the day. When it comes to identifying these undertones, there are a couple of things you can do. You can look at the bottom of the swatch, which is where you’ll see the colors that make up the undertones of the shade of white. You can also compare it to a regular sheet of paper, which is a true white!
We hope these tips helped you feel more prepared for your next painting project! At J&S Painting Plus, Inc., we are fully licensed and insured painting contractors, offering the highest standard of quality workmanship for exterior house painting and all your residential painting needs at the most affordable prices. Contact us today via our website for a free quote to get started: http://jandspaintingplus.com/contact-us/