Painting a child’s room should be fun because it’s the perfect place for fighting imaginary dragons, setting up forts, working on homework, and hanging out with friends. Kids thrive in colorful spaces and their own room should be a place that nurtures their creativity while still staying functional. It’s important to make sure there is some sense of flow in the home, so the room doesn’t feel like a circus out of left field. A chic, but functional space that seamlessly blends sleek storage with high-end materials and lots of color is what you should be aiming for. It should give your kids space to work and play as they grow and their tastes change. Decorating this room should be a lot of fun! Here are a few tips on how to design a stylish and functional child’s room.
You’ll first want to consult your kids, because since it is the room they will be in most of the time, it’s important that they have input on making a selection. You can try asking them what colors and elements they like from other rooms in the home and incorporate those touches to create cohesion. Consider playing off the tones of colors that are featured prominently throughout your home. By just using a variant of that shade or even a complementary color, you will create more flow. For example, if you use a lot of different shades of green in your home, opt for a kid’s room color in a variant shade of green, or even a complementary shade of blue. Speaking of blue, if you want to go for a color that’s eye catching, but appropriate for a bedroom, go for blue. It tends to be a popular color people pick for their homes. Any shade of blue will create a vibrant, youthful feel while still creating a sense of calmness and tranquility. On the flip side of colorful walls, you can also go neutral or white. When you ground a kids room in contrasting beiges and whites, colors become more versatile. This gives you the chance to really complement the space with colorful furnishings and fun accessories. Using the right colors to create a pop like orange can create an environment that feels warm and energizing for your little ones. By using a neutral base, it makes the space much easier to update as they get older because all it will take is a few changes in the accessories, such as a new rug or piece of artwork. When it comes to accessorizing the room, go for fun texture and high performance fabrics; they will add some dimension and personality to the room and your kids will love it! Shag rugs or bean bag chairs are just a few simple but fun ways you can add some personality to the room aside from just focusing solely on color. Just try not to use too many colors and textures and patterns in the room though because it will start to feel overwhelming and busy.
When you’re designing a room for your child, remember to incorporate functional pieces they can use, while playing, relaxing and studying. Make it easy for them to keep their things organized and clean so they have space for activities. Select durable fabrics and furnishings that can stand the test of time. Most of all, make sure the room is fun, relaxing and reflects their personality. Don’t be afraid to keep the accessories and toys bright and colorful. We hope these tips helped you decide on the direction you want to take your child’s room! What style do you think you would pick? We hope these tips helped you decide what color you want to use! Contact us today via our website for a free quote to get started: