Right now, most of us are focusing on our spring-cleaning and there’s no better time to give your home a refresh. One way you can do this is with a new paint job. There’s more to painting a home than just adding curbside appeal. Giving your home a fresh paint job has some really great benefits such as added protection, increased home value, and personalization. If you know your home needs a paint job, but you keep putting it off, here are just 3 reasons you should get started sooner than later!
Giving your home a fresh coat of paint, whether inside or out, will offer your home more protection. So, what does that mean? If you think about it, over time your home starts to deteriorate if you don’t give it the proper care. The same goes for your walls. When it comes to the inside of your home, you have to consider all the activities you do inside the home that can contribute to dirty walls and poor air quality. That can include smoking indoors, oils that evaporate into the air while cooking, and just even dust that builds up over time. You also want to consider the fact that a new coat will also act as a barrier for moisture absorption, minimizing the added weight, which can put a strain on the structural integrity of your home. The same goes for the exterior of your home. A good quality, well-applied coat of paint will help protect your home from natural elements. Moisture from rain and snow will cause the wood to rot over time, allowing insects to penetrate your home. A fresh coat will help alleviate these common issues and give your home a longer life.
Giving your home a fresh coat of paint is an easy way to increase your home’s value. It offers a cost-effective way to give your home a facelift and offers the greatest return on investment. It’s an easy way to save you money and make your home look newer, cleaner, and more attractive to potential buyers. Also, the colors you choose really do matter, so don’t just go for any color you think is pretty. Colors not only affect your mood but can also increase or decrease the value of your home depending on the ones you pick. We recommend you start off by prioritizing the rooms you want to paint. Focus on which rooms you want to enhance. Paint can make a room look larger and brighter, which helps increase its value. So for example, if you paint the trim and the walls the same light color, you’re creating an illusion of a larger space. On the contrary, if you want to make a room appear smaller, try using warmer or darker colors to give the room a cozier feel. You can also use color to emphasize unique elements and really make them pop to create a more lasting impression on potential buyers. When it comes to the exterior paint of your home, you’ll want to go for something that’s more timeless and neutral. Try to stick to using fewer colors and make sure they are complementary to give your home a balanced look.
The beauty that comes with painting your home is personalization. What makes a home feel like YOUR home? Personalization! While we do recommend following our tips on picking a color for your home, it’s really all up to you. If you want to make your home blue with white trim, that’s your choice. Adding your own personal flair to your home is what makes it truly feel like home. As many people are working from home and are staying in a lot more, choosing the right colors for your home should be a priority. We understand that picking colors for your whole house can be a daunting task, that’s why it’s important to prioritize what you want to achieve for each room. As we said earlier, the color you choose really does affect your mood. Consider how different colors and tones can create a calm, warm, or energetic ambiance. If you want to feel energized or royal, happy or sleepy, there is a paint color that is perfect for setting the tone. You get to choose the colors that not only reflect your personality but also really complement your artwork, decor, and furnishings.
Depending on the size and height of your house and the condition of the existing siding, preparing and painting a house on your own can be a tedious, difficult job. That’s why we are here to make the process simple for you. So, when do you plan to give your home a fresh coat of paint? We hope these tips helped you decide to start that project you’ve been putting off! Contact us today via our website for a free quote to get started: http://jandspaintingplus.com/contact-us/